domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

New Season Shopping

Hey sweeties! Bom, não sei como anda o tempo por aí, mas aqui parece que alguém estragou o termostato.
Seja como for, a verdade é que já entrámos na nova estação, e isso significa... MAKEOVER AO GUARDA-ROUPA!
Deixo-vos uma lista com os meus must haves para a Primavera-Verão 2012. :)

Hey sweeties! Well, I don't know how's the weather there, but here seems like someone blew up the thermostat.
Anyway, the truth is that we've already entered the new season, and that means... CLOSET MAKEOVER!
So here's a list of my must haves for SS 2012. :)

  1. Chanel like coats
Perfect for a casual and formal look.
I'd use it with some ripped jeans.
2. Loafers

They're perfect with everything.

3. Asymmetrical skirts and dresses
I have a HUGE love affair with asymmetric stuff.

4. Lace shorts

They're so summer-ish. Love it!

5. Satchels

As long as they're bright and shinny, perfect!

6. Aztec print

Everything that has aztec print is acceptable.
But be sure to wear something more sober with it.

7. Jumpers

Jumpers are a must have 'cause there are always those days when it's a bit cold outside.

E é isto!

Espero que tenham gostado.

(Estou a pensar fazer um post sobre acessórios para a Primavera-Verão. Que acham? :) )

And that's it!

Hope you've enjoyed.

(Thinking of making a post about accessories for SS. What do you think? :) )

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